Adoption of Local Government Infrastructure Plan Amendment
Published on 24 June 2017
Sustainable Planning Act 2009
The Rockhampton Regional Council resolved on 13 June 2017 to adopt the Rockhampton Region Local Government Infrastructure Plan amendment, in accordance with state statutory guidelines. The amendment has been made necessary by statutory changes to the process for preparing a Local Government Infrastructure Plan, not as a result of any substantial change to the Plan or associated Schedule of Works. The amendment forms a part of the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme (the alignment amendment).
The Local Government Infrastructure Plan Amendment will have effect on and from Monday 3 July 2017.
The Local Government Infrastructure Plan amendment can be viewed online from 3 July 2017 through Council’s planning portal Rock ePlan at and will be available for inspection or purchase at Council’s Customer Service Centres, located at 232 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton; Gracemere Shopping World, Corner of the Capricorn Highway and McLaughlin Street, Gracemere; and 32 Hall Street, Mount Morgan.
For more information please contact Council’s Strategic Planning unit on (07) 4936 9000 or 1300 22 55 77 or email