Annual review highlights a year of sustainable accomplishments
Published on 24 August 2023
Council’s annual review of its work toward creating a more sustainable future for the region has been released this week, highlighting a number of major achievements over the past twelve months.
Water and Environmental Sustainability Councillor Donna Kirkland said she was proud to see the report endorsed at this week’s Council meeting and share the results for the 2022-23 financial year.
“Council established its first Sustainability Strategy in 2018 and renewed its commitment by adopting a revised strategy late last year,” Cr Kirkland said.
“The strategy is a journey of many steps, and these annual reviews are really important to not only assess how we’re tracking but to also celebrate what we’ve achieved along the way and what we’re working toward.
“I am really proud of the outcomes highlighted in this year’s review and the work that’s been achieved over the last 12 months.
“This year we have made major traction on work toward improved water quality outcomes, we have introduced a new urban greening policy, continued momentum toward zero waste, and secured funding for local climate risk management planning.
“What adds to these achievements is that much of these have been a collaborative effort as we continue to work together with our local residents, communities, businesses, industries and other levels of government to strengthen our community, environmental and economic resilience.
“We also continue to look at how we as a Council can do things better – through our own operations and services.”
Some of the highlights of the annual review include:
- Continued momentum towards zero waste, with Council finalising the Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) trial, adopting a revised Resource Recovery Strategy and introducing new waste diversion initiatives at the Community Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Stations.
- Improved water quality outcomes, with work progressing on the recycled water arrangements for both the North Rockhampton and South Rockhampton Sewage Treatment Plants.
- Collaborative stewardship efforts as part of the Reef Guardian Council program, protecting the Great Barrier Reef from climate change impacts and advocating for Government investment in new local initiatives.
- Improved identification and understanding of local climate risks, with Council securing grant funding for local climate risk management planning and training.
- Implementation of the Corporate Emissions Reduction Program, aligning Council with legislated national emissions reduction targets and improving resource use through targeted energy efficiency projects, solar installations, lighting upgrades, landfill gas flaring and greening of Council’s supply chains.
- Adoption of a new Urban Greening Policy, committing to increase tree canopy cover, shading and cooling across the Region.
- New community partnerships building local job readiness skills, delivering on ground works and driving sustainability outcomes across the Region.
- Local business and industry development outcomes associated with the Region’s renewable energy opportunities, Making Water Work program and Circular Economy Pathway.
To view the highlights in detail, click here.