Apply now for the Community Assistance Program

Published on 07 February 2020


Is your organisation planning an event or initiative that will help contribute to our community? Apply now for Council support through round three of the 2019/20 Community Assistance Program!

Chair of Community Services Committee, Councillor Rose Swadling said Council had already supported 52 local organisations through the first two rounds of the 2019/20 program, providing $240,000 in funding support.

“This program has proved its worth year after year, supporting some absolutely incredible events and projects,” said Cr Swadling.

“In the last two rounds of this program alone we have helped fund some wonderful initiatives, from Christmas shows and charity balls to sporting events and clubhouse improvements.

“This funding program, however, is not just for major events or programs. It is also available to smaller projects that will benefit the community, promote our local area, or enhance our natural environment.”

Council’s Environment Spokesperson, Councillor Drew Wickerson, said this February marks one year since an Environment and Sustainability category was added to the Community Assistance Program.

“Over the past year we have been able to support some fantastic initiatives in our community, with grants up to $3000 per project,” said Cr Wickerson.

“We know that people in our Region are passionate about our natural environment, and through this funding we are able to help groups and organisations put that passion into action wherever possible.

“The Environment and Sustainability Scheme is designed to support projects that protect, maintain, and enhance our natural environment while strengthening our community’s capacity to live sustainably.

“This funding can support a wide variety of activities including community education; on-ground works; targeted energy, waste and water improvements; or even a school sustainability project.

“If you’ve got a great initiative that could do with some support, send in your application today!”  

Applications for round three of the 2019/20 Community Assistance Program close Monday 16 March.

Further information can be found here.