Business data highlights need for South Rockhampton Flood Levee

Published on 10 May 2017

Rockhampton Mayor Margaret Strelow today said the latest data from Master Builders Queensland is further incentive to build the South Rockhampton Flood Levee.

“The first survey of industry conditions report this year shows that while business confidence is returning to Rockhampton there is still a lot of work to be done to grow the economy, create local jobs and increase private investment,” Mayor Strelow said.

“Off the back of our 6th Natural Disaster in 10 years – 2008 flood, 2009 fires, 2011 flood, 2013 flood, 2015 TC Marcia and 2017 flood - it is a surprise to no one we are struggling.

“Yes we are resilient and yes we bounce back. But instead of taking this punishment and picking ourselves up over and over again we have an opportunity now to stop that pain – the South Rockhampton Flood Levee.

“If we already had it, this levee would have saved our city the lion’s share of the economic and social pain it’s gone through over the past decade of disasters.

“Do we have to wait until we get a 9.6 metre flood and watch Allenstown Plaza, the Walter Reid Cultural Centre, the new East St Post Office and Caltex in William Street go under? Because they will at that height.

“But If we build the levee, we will not only protect those areas  we will also protect 3,000 jobs, two schools, the Bruce Highway on Gladstone Road, businesses including Hastings Deering, the goods yards and the Railway Station along with a thousand homes.

 “The design and the technical reports are on Council’s website for everyone to see. It’s tender ready and if we get the money, we will have shovel to dirt before the end of the year.

“Every time Rockhampton floods we are constantly told ‘If it’s flooded – forget it’. If we don’t do something, that’s the message we are sending to investors and businesses outside of the region and I do not want to see Rockhampton forgotten,” Mayor Strelow said.