COVID-19 financial hardship program opens

Published on 02 June 2020

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Rockhampton Regional Council has this week opened applications for its Financial Hardship and Assistance Scheme.

Mayor Margaret Strelow said the $100,000 grant program will provide assistance for not-for-profit community organisations to respond to the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This program came out of a Mayoral minute a few weeks ago as a way we could directly support those community groups who had lost members or were struggling to meet costs,” Mayor Strelow said.

“It was a recurring theme identified during the surveys we ran last month and, while Council had already given some direct support through things like lease refunds for those that use Council facilities, I wanted to do more.

“The hundreds of community groups across our region are a vital cog in our way of life here. They bring people together and forge that sense of belonging which we want to foster, now more than ever especially, and our community would be worse off if those groups disappeared.

“This funding program will provide some rapid relief for those that are feeling the financial strain from this epidemic and hopefully help them manage until they can get back up and running properly again,” Mayor Strelow said.

Grants of up to $5,000 are available for eligible groups that meet the guidelines.

Further information including application forms and a fact sheet are available on the website at