Celebrate International Women’s Day

Published on 02 March 2017

Come along and celebrate International Women’s Day with a host of guest speakers at the Rockhampton Regional Library on Wednesday 8 March.

Rockhampton Regional Council’s Community Services Committee Chair Councillor Rose Swadling said the library, in collaboration with several community groups, will host a morning tea for residents of all ages to get together.

“This year the theme is Queensland Women: Be involved. Lead the way, so our various guest speakers will do exactly that by sharing their own life stories, how their community groups began and even travelling back in time with a virtual time machine!” Cr Swadling said.

“It’s a chance for people of all ages to discover some life hacks all surrounded by talented women who have led the way in one way or another.”

The founder of the Anglican Mothers’ Union in the Rockhampton Diocese will arrive in a virtual time machine from the year 1919 and chat with a local member about what the organisation does these days. 

Council’s 2017 Australia Day Community Service recipient Linda Esguerra will share the background story of Volunteers Without Borders, a community organisation aimed at providing assistance with women’s events, cultural festivals, help with refugees and new migrants, and help for those less fortunate living alone in and around Rockhampton.

The Rockhampton Highland Lassies Pipe Band made history by forming one of Queensland’s first ladies pipe bands over 60 years ago. Their story is preserved at the Rockhampton History Centre, ensuring future generations can discover the legacy of this vibrant cultural women’s association.

Special guest speakers include:

  • Sandy Paton - President, Capricorn Community Development Association
  • The Rockhampton Anglican Mothers’ Union - Establishing the Rockhampton Women’s Shelter
  • The Queensland Country Women’s Association - More than tea and scones
  • UnitingCare Community - Building community resilience
  • Rockhampton Highland Lassies Pipe Band – Preserving the endeavours of the past
  • Volunteers Without Borders - Supporting the community

So come along and share a cuppa and hear some extraordinary stories from local women.

What: International Women’s Day celebration

Where: Rockhampton Regional Library, 230 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton

When: Wednesday 8 March

Time:  10am – 12pm

Contact:  For more information, contact the Rockhampton Regional Library on 4936 8043.