Council welcomes new Australian citizens at City Hall
Published on 29 November 2017
25 Rockhampton residents yesterday became full Australian citizens, after taking their pledge with Acting Mayor Councillor Tony Williams at City Hall.
The new citizens come from countries across the globe, including the UK, Brazil, Turkey, the Philippines and the Republic of Ireland. The youngest person to take the pledge was eight year old Fiza from India, who became a citizen along with her parents, Shalini and Rishi, and her older brother Armaan.
Acting Mayor Councillor Tony Williams said it was a very important occasion, and whether people had come to Australia as a place of refuge, a place of opportunity, or a place to be with family, Rockhampton was delighted to welcome them as full citizens.
"Our new citizens bring skills, experiences and their own hopes and dreams. Our Region - and indeed our nation - is best served when we help them to grow and to contribute to their fullest potential.
"There is no doubt whatsoever that Australia’s heritage has been made richer by the contributions of people from many lands.
"I again extend my congratulations and best wishes to all those who took the pledge yesterday, and hope they have a happy and successful future as a citizens of Australia."
A statement was also provided by the Hon Peter Dutton MP, Minister for Immigrant and Border Protection.
"Australia stands proud in today’s world recognised for defending the values, rights and obligations which will stand us in good stead for as long as we embrace them.
'The history and culture of Australia has been forged over thousands of years, first through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and more recently with people from the four corners of the earth.
"Australians are proud of having survived and thrived as a nation following the cruelty of world wars, depression, drought and flood.
"As a result of this rich history, today we stand with other strong democracies to help defend and protect our hard fought freedoms. People of all backgrounds and religions strengthen our country and only together, united will our future be as strong as our present and past.
"Thank you for taking this important step today.
"Australian citizenship confers on you great benefits; but equally rights and obligations. Congratulations and best wishes."