Consultation begins for Mount Morgan No 7 Dam fossicking

Published on 31 May 2024

Cr Rutherford and Mayor Williams with map of proposed fossicking area in Mount Morgan

Residents of the Mount Morgan district are encouraged to have their say on the potential establishment of a fossicking area at No 7 Dam, with community consultation now open.

Rockhampton Regional Council is exploring the creation of a General Permission Area (GPA) at No 7 Dam as part of its Advancing Mount Morgan Strategy. The GPA would allow licensed fossickers to search for gold in the area.

Under the proposal, Council would apply strict conditions to ensure the preservation of the natural environment and safety at No 7 Dam.

These would include, but are not limited to:

  • Designated areas where fossicking is permitted
  • A ban on fossicking within 20 metres of the highwater level mark of the dam, and within 50 metres of any dam wall, embankment or dam apron
  • A ban on fossicking in proximity of walking trails, mountain bike tracks, recreational facilities, infrastructure and stock
  • The requirement to immediately refill excavations, which must not exceed 2m x 1m or a depth of 0.5 metres, and to only use hand tools
  • A ban on entering private property
  • General rules consistent with public use of No 7 Dam (eg – around camping, lighting fires, pets and rubbish removal)

Rockhampton Regional Council Mayor, Tony Williams, said Council was seeking new ways to encourage economic growth in Mount Morgan and support its proud gold mining heritage.

“Mount Morgan draws in tourists from across the country and opening No 7 Dam up for fossicking is one way we can encourage more people to travel to the region and experience the thrill of finding gold,” Mayor Williams said.

“The establishment of a General Permission Area can help increase tourism and spend within the community, supporting local jobs and businesses.”

Division 5 Councillor, Cherie Rutherford, said this was an important opportunity for the Mount Morgan community to have its say and help shape the proposal.

“We want to work with the local community to ensure we get the balance right between use and opportunity and we build support for these measures,” Cr Rutherford said.

“There are a number of measures proposed to protect the natural environment and keep residents who use the dam safe. I encourage anyone with feedback to visit the Engage Rockhampton Region website and have their say, so we can act in the best interest of the Mount Morgan community.”

Consultation on the GPA and its proposed measures is open now and will close on 1 July.

A report summarising feedback and recommendations on a way forward will be brought to Council following the consultation process.

If endorsed by Council, implementation of a GPA will also require a new Land Management Plan (LMP).  The new LMP will be required to include fossicking as part of its identified use of the site.

Both the GPA and new LMP will be required to be approved by the Queensland Department of Resources.

The identification of the No 7 Dam as a potential GPA site follows consideration of two alternative sites at Horse Creek and Leydens Hill which were deemed unsuitable following detail consideration and consultation.

For more information on the Mount Morgan No 7 Dam GPA, including to provide feedback on the proposal, visit