Council adopts 2016/17 budget

Published on 24 June 2016

Rockhampton Regional Council has formally adopted its 2016/17 budget that supports economic growth, job creation and major capital projects at a special council meeting today.

While the budget boasts an impressive, fully funded, $88.7million Capital Works Program, Rockhampton Region Mayor Margaret Strelow said it also offers improved everyday services for ratepayers.

“Council is on a journey to do things the smart way, which means we have streamlined some of our services that are made available to the community,” Mayor Strelow said.

“I am very pleased to announce that we have rolled out a brand new suite of online customer self-service solutions on our website that enables customers to lodge requests, view bills and make payments via their home computer or smart device.

“We’re encouraging our community to look at new technology while we explore how we can better service our customers.”

Council has also workshopped a policy that will slash fees across a number of halls and parks in the Region, in an effort to encourage more community based events.

“This is about getting back to the basics of what makes a community come together. It would be very convenient for our community groups and a great way to attract more local events,” Mayor Strelow said.

After years of conservative budgets, Mayor Strelow said it’s time for the community to reap the benefits.

“We begin the new financial year with a $1million surplus that builds on our strong results from 2015/16.  This has enabled us to fund our largest Capital program since de-amalgamation with no impact on our Loans outstanding,” she said.

“Through our budget deliberations, I am very confident that our 2016/17 budget and our forward projections has set the right pace to advance our Region in the current economic situation.”   

 2016/17 Key Budget Highlights:

  • $88.7million Capital works Program to encourage more employment opportunities
  • $800,000 to build a new pound in Gracemere (including $400,000 carried over from 2015/16)
  • $215,000 for a new Library in Gracemere
  • More opportunities for the community to utilise some of Council’s parks and halls for free, to attract more events
  • $600,000 over three years for tourism signage for the whole region
  • Additional staff employed in the Parks Maintenance team to maintain key areas of the Region
  • Upgrades to Mount Morgan’s Main Street and School of Arts building
  • $400,000 per annum to build up sporting capacity in the Region
  • Additional $1million allocated to the Regional Development unit for Economic Development activities.