Council and State channel funds for creek clean-up

Published on 06 January 2016

Close to 20 waterways around the Region will be revitalised between now and March, as part a joint project between Rockhampton Regional Council and the Queensland Government.

The latest works are the third and final stage of waterway clean-ups in the area following TC Marcia early in 2015.

Chair of Council’s Local Disaster Management Group, Cr Tony Williams said the final and larger clean-ups have been well-timed, with the wet season now upon us.

“Following TC Marcia and heavy rain events, a number of waterways have been left with a large amount of debris and damage to channels and banks,” Cr Williams said.

“These kinds of clean-up projects are important not simply for aesthetic reasons but they improve overall water flow and most importantly reduce the risk to nearby properties in the case of a future flood event.”

The works include the removal of debris from each creek, the protection of various banks and some reshaping to reinstate channels.

Cr Williams said the efforts have been well received by the community.

“The clean-ups have definitely been a relief to a number of residents especially those who live close to these creeks,” Cr Williams said.

“We have even had some residents comment that this is the best Christmas present they received.

“It’s terrific to see the project nearing completion and we are extremely thankful for the support from the State Government in seeing this achieved.”

The latest works bring the waterway clean-up cost to close to $2.5 million. The State Government has funded $1 million to the latest works.

Member for Keppel, Brittany Lauga joined Cr Williams for an onsite inspection of Frenchman’s Creek in Rockhampton today – one of the waterways to most recently receive a clean-up.

“I was very pleased when approval for the $1 million spend was given by the Palaszczuk Government to deliver this important work in my electorate,” Mrs Lauga said.

“This project was part of a multi-million dollar clean-up operation coordinated through my government after the worst disaster to hit this region in many years, and today we can see the benefits of this project.

“Thanks also must go to Rockhampton Regional Council who have worked hard and smart and have delivered local residents the clean waterways they deserve.”

Some of the sites to be cleaned up in the Region over the upcoming months:

- Gracemere Creek – Middle Road to Capricorn Street

- Lakes Creek Road, Rockhampton – behind Bloxsom Street

- Dee River, Mount Morgan – Dam Wall to Perlick Street and Piddick’s Crossing to Possum Street

- Horse Creek, Mount Morgan

- Gavial Creek, Bouldercombe

- Gumtree Avenue, Bouldercombe

- Middle Creek, Kabra

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