Council officially adopts new Planning Scheme
Published on 11 August 2015
It’s a decision that is set to help provide our Region a strong future, and see multiple planning schemes a thing of the past.
Rockhampton Regional Council have taken the final step toward a new, single planning scheme for the Rockhampton Region – officially adopting the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme at today’s Council meeting.
The decision is a major milestone for Council and the fruition of years of preparation and months of community consultation.
Mayor of Rockhampton Region, Margaret Strelow said she is thrilled to announce today’s decision and some of the positives the new Planning Scheme will bring.
“It almost feels like an understatement to say that this is great news for future development in our entire Region,” Mayor Strelow said.
“Up until now, our Region’s development has been governed by the separate planning schemes of the former Fitzroy and Mount Morgan Shires and Rockhampton City Council.
“A new, single planning scheme means a consistent and simplified framework will guide our future development and that the same rules will apply for the same type of development no matter where you are in the Region.”
Mayor Strelow said the Planning Scheme is recognised as Council’s most important tool for identifying how land should be used and where different types of development will be best located.
“We really wanted to bring the Region something that was going to set a strong direction, remove barriers and encourage growth as much as possible,” Mayor Strelow said.
“We have identified future growth areas, and developed plans for essential infrastructure needed to support this growth.”
The new Planning Scheme also provides for more efficient rejuvenation in commercial centres and a range of housing options for the Region’s changing demographic.
“It will also reduce the need for or the complexity of development applications where reasonable,” Mayor Strelow said.
The Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme will come into effect from 24 August and will be available from Council’s website from this date. For further details, head to
Key facts:
- Rockhampton Regional Council has adopted a new, single planning scheme for the Rockhampton Region.
- The Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme will come into effect from Monday 24 August.
- It will be available through Council’s online planning portal, “Rock e Plan” from Monday 24 August.