Council progresses with long-term pound solution

Published on 05 May 2016

Rockhampton Regional Council is progressing with its long term solution for a new pound facility at Gracemere and is currently reviewing tenders received for the first module. 

The new facility will provide a more serviceable and suitable environment for staff and  impounded animals.

Rockhampton Region Mayor Margaret Strelow said this first module will be followed by another one or two modules should a long term solution not be possible or workable at the Etna Creek Correctional Centre. 

“We are continuing fruitful discussions with the Department of Correctional Services and we believe there is a lot of logic in our collaboration,” Mayor Strelow said.

In the interim, Mayor Strelow said Council has implemented initiatives to mitigate the spread of parvovirus.

“Council has installed a puppy quarantine centre and upgraded its animal management procedures at the current pound location and both initiatives have proved to be highly effective,” Mayor Strelow said.

“We are never going to completely eradicate parvo from the pound, we live in a tropical climate and parvo thrives here, but we have made it better.” 

Biosecurity Queensland has recently finalised an investigation prompted by pre-election allegations and found that the allegations regarding the Rockhampton pound were unsubstantiated.