Council showcases our region to ‘Tidy Towns’ national awards judge
Published on 30 March 2021
Rockhampton Regional Council is a finalist in the 2021 Australian Sustainable Communities - Tidy Towns Awards!
Water and Supporting a Better Environment Councillor Donna Kirkland, joined officers in welcoming National Judge Gail Langley to the region, showcasing firsthand the initiatives that resulted in Rockhampton being crowned Queensland’s most Sustainable Community 2020.
“After taking out the overall state award in December, being recognised in the national finals is a great honour and testament to the local progress and innovation we’ve been working hard to deliver,” Cr Kirkland said.
“These initiatives demonstrate our commitment to creating a more sustainable future for our Region, through the interconnected pathways outlined in our Environmental Sustainability Strategy.
“In just a few short years, and through collaboration with local community groups and key stakeholders, we have been able to deliver some fantastic outcomes for our Region.
“It was really important for us to be able to showcase these initiatives firsthand and to introduce Ms Langley to just some of the people behind them.”
From visiting a local primary school and community groups, learning about resource management and recovery at Dale Park and energy efficiency at Fitzroy River Water, to capping the day off with a trip around the magnificent Nurim Circuit in Mt Archer, Judge Gail Langley was impressed by the diversity and standard of work going in to making the Rockhampton Region a more sustainable one.
“Today was extremely insightful and I want to congratulate Rockhampton Regional Council on all the work they are doing,” Ms Langley said.
“It is clear the pride and dedication you are showing in taking care of the Region now and for generations to come.
“We look forward to judging your impressive achievements at a national level and wish you all the very best of luck.”
For information on the awards visit
For information on Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy visit
The Australian Sustainable Communities Tidy Towns Awards bring together community leaders, environmental champions, young legends and waste warriors from every corner of Australia to share experiences, learn from and inspire each other. The National Awards will be held in June 2021 in Beechworth Victoria. Rockhampton Regional Council’s submission focussed on the following categories:
- Litter prevention - What’s down our drains – community-led marine debris prevention and behaviour change project (delivered in collaboration with the Local Marine Advisory Committee and Fitzroy Basin Association)
- Resource recovery / waste management - Dale Park construction and demolition waste processing and re-use project (an internal collaboration between Council’s Civil Operations Section and Rockhampton Regional Waste and Recycling – a commercial business unit of Council)
- Young legends - Sustainability in Action program - supporting sustainability activities in local schools via the Schools Calendar Competition, local school activities and grants (delivered in collaboration with local primary and secondary schools)
- Environmental sustainability – energy - Fitzroy River Water energy efficiency initiatives (delivered by Fitzroy River Water - a commercial business unit of Council)
- Environmental sustainability – natural environment - Bringing Nature Back – Natural Resource Management program (delivered in collaboration with local community groups)
- Community health, wellbeing and interest – Rockhampton Region Nature Play Passport (developed in collaboration with Nature Play Queensland)
- Heritage and culture - Nurim Circuit (delivered in collaboration with Darumbal people and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service)
- Environment communications and engagement - Living Sustainably program (delivered in collaboration with local community groups)
- Environmental sustainability - water – Recycled water scheme and nutrient reductions (delivered by Fitzroy River Water)