Debris deflectors help make Rockhampton more flood resilient

Published on 12 October 2016

A program to boost the Rockhampton Region’s flood resilience is surging ahead with the installation of debris deflectors at three North Rockhampton sites underway.

Council is installing the deflectors at sites on Rockonia Road, Beasley Street and Kerrigan Street using $405,000 worth of funding from the joint Australian Government-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA), and $34,000 from Council’s works budget.

Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, Councillor Tony Williams said the project would provide major benefits in a future flood event.

“This is one of many projects we are working on to reduce the effects of flooding in our Region,” Cr Williams said.

“It focuses on improving culverts which often become blocked by upstream debris during heavy rain events, causing flood waters to spread and linger.

“Large objects often become trapped in these locations and then continue to trap smaller objects until a complete blockage occurs.  

“By installing deflector walls, we will reduce the opportunity for debris build up and blockages. and see floodwater getting away in a shorter timeframe,” he said.

Cr Neil Fisher, whose division incorporates the areas where works are occurring, said more than 30 properties down from the Kerrigan Street bridge had water inundation after the cyclone.

“When you saw the damage to the more than 30 homes, it really did break your heart,” Cr Fisher said.

Work on Rockonia Road is nearly complete with crews then working on both Beasley and Kerrigan sts. 

Work is expected to be completed by the end of October 2016, weather permitting.