Digging In: 1916 - The Great War and the Rockhampton Region Exhibition
Published on 27 April 2016
Building on the Digging In exhibition of last year, Rockhampton Regional Library is hosting its second exhibition concentrating on the war in 1916, which opened yesterday.
Rockhampton Regional Council’s Community Services Chair Councillor Rose Swadling said the exhibition would give residents and visitors a glimpse of life during the Great War.
“During World War One entire communities sent loved ones, sons, brothers, husbands and fathers to fight for our country, along with support staff such as nurses, and our Region was no different,” Cr Swadling said.
“Our second instalment of Digging In: 1916 will offer further insights into the sacrifices, strength of character, fortitude and never-ending mateship that lasted during the Great War and will feature documents on the major offensives, the call to arms and conscription debate, and the very first Remembrance service in Rockhampton.
“There’s no doubt that visitors will gain a strong sense of the courage and resilient spirit our service men and women had which is now commemorated every Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, but is felt every day by our current military officers.
“The exhibition will also highlight the impacts felt by families, businesses and communities across our Region while war raged overseas.”
The exhibition will provide a visual insight into the life and times of our community during war and will include photographs, newspaper articles, diaries, letters and posters which have been sourced from the Library’s collections and further afield to tell the story of the conflict at home and abroad.
What: Digging In: 1916 - The Great War and the Rockhampton Region Exhibition
When: Tuesday 26 April – Friday 20 May 2016
Where: Rockhampton Region Library