Dumped green waste a danger to our community
Published on 25 September 2019
Green waste being dumped across our region is a danger to the community, according to the Chair of our Local Disaster Management Group.
Councillor Tony Williams, who chairs the LDMG, said he was angered by the dumped green waste he had seen recently.
“I have to say it really shocks me to see this.
“Our region came within a whisker of catastrophic fire damage last November – we had to evacuate thousands of people from their homes - and we have already had a serious bushfire around Mount Archer this month.
“Despite that there are people taking green waste, presumably from clearing their own properties, and illegally dumping it in the bush. All it would take is a spark or a dropped cigarette and before you know it we have an entirely preventable bushfire on our hands.
“One of the places I saw dumped green waste was just meters away from a containment line that recently stopped a fire. Irresponsible doesn’t even cover it.
“If you see anyone doing this please report it to our Local Laws team straight away so we can remove the danger and hold the perpetrators accountable.”
Chair of Council’s Waste and Recycling Committee, Councillor Neil Fisher, said it was a good time to remind the community that it is completely free to bring green waste to Waste Transfer Stations.
“There is no charge to bring green waste to any of our waste facilities.
“If you’re doing the right thing and cleaning up your property to help prevent or reduce the impact of disasters then don’t stop there – bring the green waste to us for free.”
If you see someone littering or illegally dumping from a vehicle, vessel or trailer, or if you find piles of dumped waste, including green waste, you can report it. Use the online Littering and Illegal Dumping Reporting Form or call Rockhampton Regional Council's Customer Service Centre on 4932 9000 or 1300 22 55 77. Local Laws can issue fines from $266 to $2669 for illegal dumping, depending on the type and amount of waste. A list of Waste Transfer Stations and their opening hours can be found here.