Food for Fines at Rocky Libraries
Published on 20 November 2019
Do you have a library item you’ve forgotten to return that’s now sitting at home collecting fines?
Bring your overdue items into any Rockhampton Regional Library with a donation of a non-perishable food item between Monday 25 November and Friday 7 December to have your fines wiped!
Do you have outstanding overdue fines on your card that has kept you from returning to the Library? The same goes for historical overdue charges as well – now is the perfect time to get your Library membership back on track by taking part in the Food for Fines initiative!
Communities Chair Councillor Rose Swadling said this initiative has been a big success in the past.
“I’m sure many of us, at one point or another, have spotted an overdue book hiding on the bookshelf or under a pile of toys,” said Cr Swadling.
“The Food for Fines initiative not only offers a chance for people to have their fines wiped while donating to a good cause, it also helps our libraries recover their missing stock.
“So, if you have a book sitting on your bench at home that you’ve been meaning to drop off, take this opportunity to donate an item and have your fine forgiven.
“Bring in your library item along with a non-perishable and unexpired food item – such as a packet of pasta or can of beans – and chat to one our great library staff to have your fines removed.
“The food items will then be donated to the Salvation Army who will distribute it to those in need over Christmas.”
Judy Dash, Salvation Army Relationship Manager for Central Queensland, said the initiative is an ingenious idea and a win-win for all participants.
“Christmas with the local Salvos sees approximately 350 food hampers given out to those who need help to have Christmas at all,” said Ms Dash.
“Without local partnerships, we struggle to assist as well; hence, the importance of the local community giving a generous helping hand.”
Please note:
The food for fines initiative only applies to overdue fees. All other library charges will still apply.