Friends of the Cemetery volunteer group
Published on 11 May 2016
Would you like to join a volunteer community group?
Rockhampton Regional Council is seeking feedback and volunteers for a Friends of the Cemetery group.
Come along to the first working bee at the South Rockhampton Cemetery on Saturday 21 May from 8am to lend a hand and provide input into the function and role of the group.
What to wear: Sturdy or closed-in shoes, gloves, sunsmart clothing such as long sleeves and pants
What to bring: If possible a garden rake, long handled shovel or wheel barrow, as well as drinking water and sunscreen.
What will I be doing?
Chipping/pulling grass (particularly along the fence-line), spot weeding and raking leaf litter
What: Working Bee and suggestions for a Friends of the Cemetery group
Where: South Rockhampton Cemetery (meet at Ferguson St Entrance)
When: Saturday 21 May
Time: 8am – 10am
Council is providing opportunities for people to actively contribute to the maintenance and up-keep of public places. The heritage listed South Rockhampton Cemetery is a large area with high visibility to local residents and travellers alike. Council is offering the opportunity for the community to play a part in improving the general appearance of the site by taking a hands-on approach.
For further information, please contact 4932 9000, 1300 22 55 77 or email