Government funding to make Rocky’s roads safer

Published on 29 August 2024

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Critical investment from the Australian Government and Rockhampton Regional Council is providing upgrades to local roads and delivering smoother and safer journeys for motorists. 

The intersection of Upper Dawson Road, Canning Street and Derby Street has undergone a reconfiguration to improve safety and traffic flow.

New features include channelised right turns, safety islands, upgraded pedestrian crossings with refuge areas, as well as new asphalt surfacing and line marking.

Construction commenced in April 2024 and is expected to be finalised next week, with works at one crossing remaining.

Safety upgrades to Denham Street between Canning and George streets are also being undertaken and are scheduled for completion in mid-September.

The majority of the work on Denham Street is complete, with only minor works including a concrete median island, footpath reinstatement, as well as asphalt and line marking remaining.

Both these important upgrades have been made possible with $1.9 million from the Australian Government Black Spot Program and almost $200,000 from Rockhampton Regional Council. The Black Spot Program funds a range of safety measures at locations where serious crashes have occurred, or are at risk of occurring. The changes to these intersections were specifically developed to address the recorded crash history, and are intended to improve safety for both pedestrians and motorists.

Meanwhile, the McLaughlin Street re-opening marks the completion of phase one of the Parkhurst Industrial Area Infrastructure Project.

This project has been made possible with $4.9 million from the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program, $3 million from the Queensland Government Regional Economic Futures Fund and $2.1 million from Rockhampton Regional Council.

Council is now ready to begin the second phase of the project with works along Wade Street underway.

The reconstruction of Wade Street, spanning between Alexandra to McLaughlin streets, includes a substantial stormwater drainage upgrade – with approximately 700 metres of new concrete drainage pipes being laid. 

Wade Street will also be widened, with a kerb and channel installed, upgraded street lighting and new asphalt surfacing.

The Wade Street works will be done in three stages, with traffic management and detours in place for their duration. Stages include August to September 2024 (Stage 1), October to December 2024 (Stage 2) and January to March 2025 (Stage 3).


This staged approach ensures that disruptions are minimised while essential works are completed.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“We’re investing in local roads like these because we want to ensure that everyone can get where they need to go safely and efficiently.

“The Black Spot Program is important to local communities which is why we’re progressively increasing it from $110 million to $150 million per year. We’re also progressively doubling Roads to Recovery funding from $500 million to $1 billion a year to help local councils maintain their road networks.

“Road safety is a shared responsibility and something we all need to work together to improve, and that’s exactly what these upgrades are all about.”

Quotes attributable to Mayor of Rockhampton Region Tony Williams:

“This is just the latest chapter in Council’s ongoing commitment to safer and more efficient roads with the momentum set to continue over the next year. 

“These upgrades make a real difference to everyday road users, and we’re excited to see them come to life.

“Naturally as our region grows these are the sort of projects that we need to keep investing in to keep everyone moving safely to cater for that growth.”

Quotes attributable to Rockhampton Region Infrastructure Councillor Marika Taylor:

“We anticipate these improvements will significantly enhance accessibility and safety for all road users.

“We thank local businesses and residents for their patience and understanding throughout these road projects.”

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