Gracemere Community to have its say on Post Code

Published on 07 August 2017

The Gracemere community is being invited to help shape the future of their area with a survey hitting mail boxes this week asking if they want a change in post code.

Councillor Ellen Smith said since community group Gracemere Voice presented a petition to council earlier this year asking for a change, Council has been in discussions with Australia Post.

“Unfortunately Australia Post have made it clear that a unique post code for Gracemere is not an option due to the low volume of deliveries to the area,” Cr Smith said.

“If that was to be the case, what the Gracemere Voice petition asked council to do now is gauge community support to change Gracemere’s post code to South Rockhampton – 4700.

“Council will next week be sending out more than 7,000 surveys asking the question and it’s vital that Gracemere residents take this opportunity to have their say and help shape the future of their community,” Cr Smith said.

Glen Lynch from Gracemere Voice said the current 4702 post code was shared by around 80 communities stretching from Shoalwater Bay out west to Rolleston.

“That means that every time someone goes for a home loan or gets insurance the banks and insurance companies are looking at 80 far ranging suburbs when determining the price,” Mr Lynch said.

“We know this is an issue for people and this is a step in the right direction to address those issues.

“Gracemere will always have its own identity however we have far more in common with suburbs in South Rockhampton which are literally five minutes away than communities which are more than five hours away, so this decision makes sense,” Mr Lynch said.

Chair of Communities Councillor Rose Swadling said the survey would run until August 31st and would also be available online at council’s website.

“Australia Post has made it clear that they will consider changing Gracemere’s post code from 4702 to 4700 if there is community support so I’d encourage everyone in Gracemere to fill out this survey and take their community’s future into their hands,” Cr Swadling said.

The survey has been mailed out and will also be available at