Have your say on illegal dumping
Published on 13 August 2021
Council is beginning to wrap up a 12-month project designed to ensure more waste ends up in the right place, and we’re asking for your input as we look to what’s next.
This project is proudly funded through the Queensland Government's Local Government Illegal Dumping Partnership Program.
Waste & Recycling Councillor Shane Latcham said that, thanks to the State Government, Council has been able to put a lot of work into understanding the issue as well as which interventions are effective.
“Our region is very responsible when it comes to waste, and most people are doing the right thing,” Cr Latcham said.
“There are a few people, however, who still aren’t taking their waste to the right place, which is something our residents shouldn’t have to put up with.
“When we surveyed the community at the beginning of this year, we found that 31% of respondents weren’t aware they could report the behaviour. So, over the last few months we’ve really been encouraging people to report, and raising awareness of the ways you can do so – like calling customer service or downloading the Snap, Send, Solve mobile app.
“Our best chance to put an end to illegal dumping is our community. If you report it we can do something about it.
“At the moment we’re trying to understand what’s been effective over the last few months, and where to focus our efforts moving forward.
“You can help us today by taking a few minutes to answer some questions – like when you last saw dumped rubbish and how you reported it, or why you didn’t if you decided not to.
“There’s a few prizes on offer as a thank you for participating – and you’ll be entered in the running automatically when you answer the survey.”
To participate in the survey head to engage.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au
Planning & Regulation Councillor Grant Mathers said Council has significantly increased surveillance activities over the last 12 months.
“We’ve invested in some new mobile surveillance equipment which will really help us moving forward,” Cr Mathers said.
“We’ve also had a full time Local Laws officer funded through the Local Government Illegal Dumping Partnerships Program, investigating instances of illegal dumping, which has really enhanced our understanding of what and why dumping is taking place.
“Their biggest focus over the last 12 months has been to identify those who are responsible for illegal dumping.
“In the vast majority of these cases the offender has then cleaned up the waste themselves.
“This means we’ve been able to save Council thousands in disposal fees, and offenders realise that trying to dump waste really isn’t worth the hassle – or the embarrassment – of being caught out.
“The more information we have about illegal dumping, the closer we get to putting an end to it.”
The survey is available at engage.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au and closes on Monday 30 August.
As a thank you for submitting your thoughts you’ll go in the draw to win:
- One $55 ‘Fishing the Fitzroy’ long sleeved shirt (size to be chosen by winner);
- One $30 voucher for use at the Pilbeam Theatre; or
- One $20 coffee voucher for use at Rockhampton Botanical Gardens Tearooms.
If you see someone littering or illegally dumping or if you find piles of dumped waste please report it.
Use the Snap, Send, Solve mobile app or call Customer Service on 4932 9000.
Illegal dumping fines can be upwards of $2135 for individuals and $6672 for corporations.