Have your say on the Local Government Infrastructure Plan

Published on 17 December 2019


Rockhampton Regional Council has proposed an Interim Amendment to the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) and is inviting residents to have their say.

Rockhampton Region Acting Mayor Cherie Rutherford said the LGIP helps Council plan for the delivery of future infrastructure.

“The LGIP takes into consideration population and employment projections, the needs of our residents, as well as our vision for future development, and outlines a cost effective and efficient plan for the long-term delivery of essential Trunk infrastructure.

“The plan identifies Trunk infrastructure projects on our essential service networks, including water supply, sewerage, stormwater, transport, public parks and land for community facilities.

“From time to time, we need to update our LGIP to ensure that it is as effective, efficient, and transparent as possible.

“The Interim Amendment that we’re currently proposing takes into account new population and employment projections, updated costs, new and modified infrastructure projects, and administrative updates.

“According to the Planning Act 2016, Council is required to have a formal consultation period of a minimum of fifteen days.

“However, as we want to ensure that every resident who wishes to respond has the opportunity to do so, we have decided to allow six weeks for public consultation.

“Residents are invited to make a submission on the proposed amendment before close of business on Friday 24 January 2020.”

A submission can be made:

To find out more about the Interim Amendment to the Local Government Infrastructure Plan visit one of our Customer Service Centres, call Council on 1300 22 55 77, or email infrastructureplanning@rrc.qld.gov.au