Have your say on the proposed changes to the Planning Scheme

Published on 04 April 2022

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Rockhampton Regional Council is commencing community consultation on the latest planning scheme amendment.

Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said with the proposed amendments reflecting changes to flood mapping, it is very important for residents to check if there are any impacts to their properties.

“The recent events in southeast Queensland and New South Wales have really shown how large-scale flood events can cause devasting impacts,” Mayor Williams said.

“Understanding flood behaviour of the local catchments and river is an essential part of effective planning and building community resilience to these kinds of events.

“Undertaking flood mitigation and implementing floodplain planning measures to increase flood resilience in the region is absolutely critical.”

Planning and Regulation Councillor Grant Mathers said residents may find that some properties, which were in areas or catchments previously not assessed by a flood study, may now show flood inundation.

“This is why it is so important to continually update our flood modelling and make appropriate changes to the planning scheme – so we can mitigate potential damage to property in the future,” Cr Mathers said.

Water and Environmental Sustainability Councillor Donna Kirkland is urging all residents to familiarise themselves with the updated flood mapping for their property and locality.

“It is very important that everyone checks the updated flood overlay against their property, and to note any changes to the flood extent and flood hazard,” Cr Kirkland said.

“Throughout the month of April, we are sending information packs with letters, updated maps and fact sheets to over 3500 affected properties explaining what these updates may mean for those residents and property owners.

“The information pack will also include a formal submission form for residents to provide feedback on the proposed changes.

“Residents provide feedback through the engagement platform on Council’s website, or at our Customer Service centres.

“The consultation period is now open and is set to close 3 June.”

Visit Council’s engagement platform here: https://engage.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/