Impact on Rockhampton Zoo by TC Marcia

Published on 26 February 2015

The Rockhampton Zoo family have been on an emotional journey following Tropical Cyclone Marcia last Friday.

Council’s Parks and Recreation Committee Chair, Councillor Cherie Rutherford said there were mixed emotions at present.

“We are extremely happy and relieved to report that the majority of our animal family and their enclosures have survived the cyclone,” said Cr Rutherford.

“Our Zoo staff worked extremely hard to prepare the Zoo for Tropical Cyclone Marcia to reduce the possibility of stress and injuries to our animals and I thank them for their amazing efforts.

“However, we are saddened by the loss of two of our much loved birds.

“Despite the enormous preparation efforts by our staff, regrettably we lost one of our Red Tailed Black Cockatoos and Jimmy the Macaw when a large tree came down across their aviaries.

“Jimmy our beautiful male Macaw was a pair with Jeanie and both were a highlight of any visit to Rockhampton Zoo. Unfortunately, Jimmy was found deceased and all keepers and extended Zoo family are most upset with his passing.

“The Red Tailed Black Cockatoo is missing, however the four remaining Cockatoos have been relocated to a temporary aviary.

A large number of trees in and around the Zoo have come down however there has been minimal structural damage. Crews are working to clear vegetation and debris and repair damaged fences.

Rockhampton Zoo staff are working to ensure the ongoing welfare of the animals. 

Rockhampton Regional Council has received numerous enquiries regarding the animals at the Rockhampton Zoo. 

“The concern people have shown for the animals in the Zoo is yet another indication of how much the Zoo is thought of as part of our Community.” Cr Rutherford said.

“Just like us, the animals are feeling the stress of the experience and feeling the heat of the past week.  Our staff are monitoring them closely and taking all possible steps to address any issues that may arise.”

The Rockhampton Zoo will remain closed at this time and Council thanks the Community for their concern and understanding.