Join in and Clean Up Australia on 1 March
Published on 21 February 2020
Get ready to roll up your sleeves and team up to help keep the Rockhampton Region clean on Sunday 1 March!
Waste Committee Chair Councillor Neil Fisher said that it is fantastic to see the community turn out year after year to pitch in on Clean Up Australia Day.
“Clean Up Australia Day is always one of my favourite days - which I know might sound a little odd given it involves picking up rubbish,” said Cr Fisher.
“Of course, anyone who has been to one of these events knows that it’s much more than that.
“There is something truly uplifting about a group of people coming together to pitch in and help improve their community – it’s a fantastic thing to be part of.
“Last year, we removed more than 1.29 tonnes of rubbish, that’s the equivalent of 58 full wheelie bins.
“This year marks the 30th anniversary of Clean Up Australia Day, and we’re hoping more people than ever will get involved.
“Council has organised four clean up sites around the Region on Sunday 1 March, and everyone is invited to join in.
“At each of our sites we’ll also be hosting a citizen science audit. By helping us record the weight, type and source of the litter you collect you’ll be helping to inform littering and illegal dumping reduction strategies across our Region – which means that your work on the day will have a lasting impact!
“Of course, if there’s another area you think could benefit from a clean up just head over to the website and register your own site.”
Environment Spokesperson Councillor Drew Wickerson said Clean Up Australia Day is an opportunity to show your appreciation for the natural environment in a practical, hands-on way.
“We live in a stunning part of the world with incredible natural features, including the largest river catchment flowing to the Great Barrier Reef,” said Cr Wickerson.
“Clean Up Australia Day is a great opportunity to get out and take care of our natural environment so that it can continue to take care of us.
“I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and pitching in alongside other Councillors and community members to help keep our Region beautiful.”
To find or register a site head to:
Council sites will be held at:
Gloves and rubbish bags will be provided.
Come anytime between 8:30am to 10:30am on Sunday 1 March and stay for as long as you like, every effort helps!
Rockhampton Regional Council’s Clean Up Australia Day events are supported by the Queensland Government’s Local Government Illegal Dumping Hotspot Program.
Founded by Ian Kiernan, AO in 1993, Clean Up Australia is one of the country’s most recognised and trusted environmental organisations, inspiring and empowering communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. More than 17.7 million Australians have participated in a Clean Up activity over the past 30 years and over that time 35 million hours of volunteer time have been donated to Clean Up activities benefiting our environment.