Join us in Advancing the Rockhampton Region!

Published on 11 April 2016

A new platform for local businesses to get involved in the journey to advance the Region is being launched!

Rockhampton Regional Council’s new Advance Rockhampton Region – Mayor’s Business Forum is an initiative to get local businesses, Council and the community unified in an approach to making the Region a better place to live and work. 

Mayor Margret Strelow today announced that a series of forums for local businesses would be held throughout the year with the first on Friday 22 April. 

“Each Advance Rockhampton Region Business Forum will be based on a topic of strategic and economic importance and will feature speakers from relevant industries or senior Council Officers,” Mayor Strelow said. 

The Forums will update the business community on actions Council is taking to achieve strategic goals as well as giving an opportunity for feedback.

The initial Forum will focus on Council’s Smart Way Forward Strategy that was adopted late last year.

“We are encouraging businesses to consider how they can take advantage and benefit from new technologies that we plan to roll out as part of this strategy,” she said.

Mayor Strelow says now is the time for businesses to consider how they can better service the changing needs of their existing customers. 

“A community and its businesses that are up to date with new technologies will help increase property and business value and in many respects these technologies can provide free or cost effective promotional opportunities for businesses too.

“This Forum is about helping the business sector tap into some of the technologies we are rolling out, such as free Wi-Fi and smart parking.”

Guest speaker at the first Advance Rockhampton Region - Mayor’s Business Forum will be founder and Executive Chairman of Glentworth Consulting Pty Ltd, Neil Glentworth.  Glentworth Consulting are the authors of Council’s Smart Way Forward Strategy.

We will also introduce Council’s recently appointed Senior Digital Officer, Gareth Martin.

Future forums will cover the topics including, Resources Ready, Growing our Future - Agriculture, Planning the future – CBD revitalisation, Fatal Attraction – Sourcing and Retaining staff.

What: The Advance Rockhampton Region - Mayor’s Business Forum

When: Friday 22 April

Time: 12pm for a 12.15pm start (1.30pm finish)

Where: The Empire Hotel Conference Centre

RSVP: Phone Tori on 4936 8308

This event is free for businesses in the Rockhampton Region.