Make every day fatality free

Published on 31 May 2024


Road safety needs to be at the forefront of every motorist’s mind if we are to strive for a future free of fatalities.

Rockhampton Regional Council is once again supporting the national initiative, Fatality Free Friday, by reminding motorists to make it a priority every day.

Infrastructure Councillor Marika Taylor said the Australian Road Safety Foundation’s annual Fatality Free Friday on 31 May highlights the fatal consequences of complacency on our roads.

“The aim of today is to have zero road deaths in Australia and to educate the community that road safety is everyone’s responsibility,” Cr Taylor said.

“Last year, Australia recorded its third straight annual rise in road fatalities with 1,273 deaths over the 12-month period. This represented a 7.9% increase on the year before.

“Tragically we have seen an additional 200 fatalities by the end of February this year, compared to February 2023.

“Sadly, every one of these numbers represents a person - a mother or father, a sibling or workplace colleague, a valued friend or loved one.

“My message to everyone is that we must do more to make road safety a priority and work every day towards achieving zero fatalities on our roads.”

The Australian Road Safety Foundation’s campaign encourages drivers to consider road safety by making a commitment and to live the road safety pledge:

  • Always be fit to drive.
  • Stay focused on the road.
  • Scan the road ahead.
  • Keep a safe distance.
  • Drive to suit the conditions.

“Remember to think before you get behind the wheel because road safety is everyone’s responsibility,” Cr Taylor said.

“Think about the people that mean the most to you and what it might mean if you didn’t return home.

“Whether it is a long road trip or you’re just popping down to the shops, always practice road safety to ensure you and your loved ones return home safely.”

ARSF’s Fatality Free Friday is held on 31 May. Since its inception in 2007, ARSF’s Fatality Free Friday campaign has continued to expand its operation and is now recognised as one of Australia’s largest national community-based road safety programs.

All road users are encouraged to get involved and to take personal responsibility to help make a significant reduction in road trauma. Take care on the roads, and check out the information available to improve your safety and the safety of others around you.