New entrance for Lakes Creek Road Landfill opens

Published on 10 June 2015

The opening of a new entrance at the Lakes Creek Road Landfill site is set to provide a safer and smoother traffic flow for future visitors.

As of later today, the site can be accessed from the Lakes Creek Road and Dean Street intersection.

Chair of Rockhampton Regional Council’s Business Enterprise Committee, Councillor Neil Fisher said the new entrance will provide multiple benefits, with banked up traffic now a thing of the past.

“We had received multiple complaints over the years regarding the landfill site’s access and this is going to help reduce those issues considerably,” Cr Fisher said.

“The entrance is now from a new, controlled intersection with traffic lights. Overall this is going to provide a much safer way to access the site and will free up much of that congested traffic.”

The project has been a collaborative effort between Rockhampton Regional Council, Queensland Rail and the Department of Main Roads.

“We sincerely thank both departments for their efforts and assistance with this project,” Cr Fisher said.