North Rockhampton Flood Management Area at National Awards

Published on 04 June 2018

Cr Williams with NRFMA award

Stage One of the North Rockhampton Flood Management Area (NRFMA) has been recognised on the national stage as one of the top Flood Risk Management projects in the country.

The NRFMA received the 2018 Highly Commended Award at the Floodplain Management Australia National Conference on the Gold Coast after it protected 400 homes during last year’s flood event.

Infrastructure Committee Chair Councillor Tony Williams said the award was a testament to the hard work of Council and engineering firm AECOM.

“Stage One of the North Rockhampton Flood Management Area was well and truly put through its paces during last year’s floods and it was an incredible success,” Cr Williams.

“The 377-metre temporary flood barrier on Ellis and Rodboro Streets in Berserker saved 400 houses from being flood-affected and it’s fantastic to see that success acknowledged on the national stage.

“This success means we can lobby both the State and Federal governments for further funding for the wider North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Project to protect even more houses and improve flood immunity in the area.

“We currently have a funding submission for the design work of stage two with the Queensland Government with that project to protect an additional 97 residents and businesses during a flood,” Cr Williams said.

The Queensland Government funded Stage One of the NRFMA in partnership with Council and Member for Rockhampton Barry O’Rourke welcomed the award.

“I congratulate Rockhampton Regional Council on the success that they have achieved in receiving a 2018 Highly Commended Award at the Floodplain Management Australia National Conference on the Gold Coast.

“The engineers and planners within Council are also to be congratulated for their work on the project which achieved the protection of 400 homes during last year’s flood event.

AECOM Rockhampton office manager and project lead Ben McMaster said they were very proud of the award after working with Council throughout the project.

“We want to acknowledge the Council and Fitzroy River Water staff who worked during the 2017 flood event to operate the system.

“The success of the North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Scheme demonstrated the value and the benefits to the local community.

“We hope it’s the first of many flood mitigation projects in the region,” Mr McMaster said.


 North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Project

Stage One flood mitigation measures included:

  • Installing backflow prevention devices between Queen Elizabeth Drive and Ellis Street
  • Purchase of the temporary flood barrier system for Ellis and Rodboro Streets
  • Undertaking works on the sewerage network
  • Constructing a small levee and drainage works along Dowling and Fraser Streets adjacent to Moores Creek and Kershaw Garden.

Stage Two flood mitigation measures include:

  • Raising and reconstructing a section of Water Street and relocating the temporary flood barrier to Water Street
  • Installing stormwater and sewerage pump stations to reduce flooding from local rainfall
  • Potentially install valves on the sewerage network to further control backflow
  • Ongoing programs to reduce stormwater and flood water infiltration and inflow into the sewerage network.