Pilbeam Drive repairs are first priority for Mount Archer
Published on 20 March 2015
As the debris clean-up continues to uncover the extent of damage caused to Mount Archer, the initial assessment indicates a multi-million dollar damage bill.
Chair of Local Disaster Management Group and Chair of Infrastructure Committee, Cr Tony Williams today inspected Mount Archer one month on since TC Marcia devastated the Region.
Cr Williams says Council’s first priority is to properly assess and seek disaster funding to repair the extensive damage caused to Pilbeam Drive.
“It’s been a massive effort to clear the debris on Mount Archer and our focus now is to fix the structural damage caused to Pilbeam Drive,” Cr Williams said.
Reports from Rockhampton Regional Council engineers, who recently surveyed the damage, indicated a number of slips have impacted the road.
Council has also obtained aerial footage after a drone recently captured a birds-eye-view of the damaged areas directly adjacent to Pilbeam Drive.
“It’s going to require a considerable amount of time and work to get a comprehensive assessment of the situation before we can move forward with stabilisation works.
“Once we examine the full extent of damage and a thorough assessment is completed, the repair bill could then be reliably estimated,” he said.
Rockhampton Regional Council will apply for funding through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) to help cover repair and reconstruction costs.
The draft Mount Archer Activation Master Plan, which gained momentum prior to TC Marcia, is currently being reviewed based on the information put forward from recent consultations with core stakeholders and community groups.