Pressure on water infrastructure means it’s time to use water wisely
Published on 03 December 2020
With the mercury rising and staying there during this week’s heatwave, Rockhampton Regional Council is urging residents to help relieve the pressure on Fitzroy River Water’s supply infrastructure.
Water Councillor Donna Kirkland said the Glenmore Water Treatment Plant was currently operating at close to its full capacity.
“We know that it’s very hot out there, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way for a few days,” said Cr Kirkland.
“It’s really important that we all think carefully about our water usage to make sure there’s enough for everyone’s needs.
“In your own household you’d try and avoid having the dishwasher, washing machine, shower, and garden hose all running at the same time in order to spread out the water use and not too much pressure on the pipes.
“That’s what we need to see across the region now, as the pressure on our water supply infrastructure is very high. Normally we see peaks and troughs throughout the day and over the week, but at the moment we are seeing peak usage almost constantly.”
Cr Kirkland said gardening at different times of the day and following the water wise tips were a good place to start.
“From Fitzroy River Water’s system monitoring we can see lots of residents are watering their gardens in the heat of the day which is really not the best use of this water.
“Not only is this putting pressure on the water supply infrastructure, it’s also a very ineffective and inefficient way of looking after your garden. If you water early in the morning or later in the evening, plants will absorb more water and less will evaporate.
“Remember all our water wise tips are on our website, and right now we should probably all be following the water jug in the fridge trick so we can stay cool and hydrated. Running your tap until the water is cold can waste 15 litres of water a minute, but keeping a water jug in the fridge ensures you’ve got cold water whenever you need it.”
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