Priorities put forward for Federal Budget

Published on 17 February 2022


Council recently put forward eleven priority projects for consideration in the Federal Budget.

Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said Council is taking every opportunity to ensure our region’s voice is heard on the national stage.  

“Each year the Federal Government calls for submissions as part of the budget setting process,” Mayor Williams said.

“The projects we have submitted are the same eleven we announced as our federal election priorities in November, and which we’ll continue pushing for beyond the election cycle if they remain unfunded.  

“These are the projects that Council has identified as some of the most critical for our community, and which we are eager to work with other levels of government to deliver.

“The list includes projects that are absolutely essential -  such as support to provide sewerage infrastructure for our community and water security for Mount Morgan.

“It also includes projects that will build on our strengths as a regional community and help support our cattle farmers, unlock more opportunities for agriculture and benefit defence.

“And, of course, there are priorities that will enhance our social infrastructure. Community-building projects like the redevelopment of the Pilbeam Theatre and the Botanic Gardens and Zoo, which will mean our children see our region as a place to stay because they have the opportunities and they have the lifestyle.

“Ours is still a country that is built on its regions, and as the Federal Government works through the budget process we hope communities like ours and the projects we need to deliver aren’t forgotten.”

Council’s full list of federal election priorities includes:


Rockhampton Botanic Gardens and Zoo Redevelopment

Rockhampton Performing Arts & Convention Centre

Airport Developments – Bay 7 and freight hub

Sporting Precinct

North Rockhampton Sewage Treatment Plant augmentation

Showgrounds Redevelopment


Mount Morgan Water security

Glenroy Road corridor upgrades

Eden Bann Weir raising

Mount Morgan Pool

Gracemere Saleyards building upgrades

The submission is available to be viewed here: