Rocky's short reach to Longreach and outback QLD
Published on 24 February 2017
Longreach and Central West Queensland could be a short reach through more direct air services to Rockhampton in the near future.
Chair of the Central Queensland Airports and Aerodrome Owners Group and Rockhampton Regional Councillor Neil Fisher said Rockhampton was working with Central Queensland Councils and key stakeholders to finalise a business case which could see the region connected by air travel without the need to make a four hour detour via Brisbane.
The initial business case is to have air services between Winton, Longreach, Rockhampton and all points in between.
"It is my long standing belief that connecting Central Queensland by air will bring our communities closer together and provide economic opportunities for all parties involved," Councillor Fisher said.
"I’m pleased the meetings we’ve had this week with Mayors and CEOs representing Central West Queensland have all indicated we need this to take off as soon as possible.
"In terms of supply and demand, the numbers of passengers warrant services and there are a number of airlines that have shown a real interest in providing the flights.
"Having been on board with the Central Queensland Airport and Aerodrome owner groups for quite some time these developments fill me with optimism that we can land a deal."
"There are good reasons to go ahead with this from an economic development and tourism perspective but it is the social benefits such as closer connections to families, to medical services and to boarding schools in Rockhampton that has been highlighted as a major platform for this business case to proceed.”
Barcaldine Regional Council Mayor, Rob Chandler met with Councillor Fisher yesterday and has lent the Council’s full support for an East/ West air link between Winton and Rockhampton City via all points in between.
“This concept has been on the table for nearly two decades. Now with the emergence of other reliable carriers in the market this link could just become a reality,” Cr Chandler said.
“I commend the effort by Rockhampton Council and all other Local Governments on route to come together collectively for the benefit of all our residents.”
Councillor Fisher thanked each of the Councils for their unwavering support and was looking forward to future discussions regarding the proposals.
“The meetings this week have been excellent - we’re all on the same page so I’d like to thank Blackall, Longreach, Central Highlands, Barcaldine and Winton Councils and their representatives for their very positive reception, contributions and tremendous support.”
Additional Information
- The aim of the East-West link will be to provide a complete service to the communities between Rockhampton through to Winton. This will mean that significant detours to Brisbane will be a thing of the past.
- A business plan is currently being finalised that will have genuine economic value to all airports within the east west flight corridor.
- Rockhampton to Longreach is 686 kms.
- Longreach Airport is the gateway to Outback Queensland.
Image: Cr Neil Fisher and Barcaldine Mayor Rob Chandler during meetings this week.