Safety top priority for Rockhampton Regional Council

Published on 25 May 2017

Rockhampton Regional Council has today welcomed former Brisbane Bronco and Queensland Safety Ambassador Shane Webcke to the Rockhampton Heritage Village today for a presentation on the importance of safety in the workplace.

In welcoming Shane back to the region, CEO Evan Pardon said it was fantastic to have such a well-received presenter to spread the safety message.

“Council employs more than 800 people in the community from office workers to plant operators and our priority is to ensure they make it home safe,” Mr Pardon said.

“Shane Webcke has a well-documented personal story to share and we know that it really hits home for people. I cannot overstate how important safety is not only to our organisation but to businesses, workplaces and community groups across our region.

As well as bringing home a range of important messages, Mr Pardon said today’s get-together was also an opportunity to recognise staff achievements.

“Council has achieved some very positive results of late in relation to safety, including a 30% reduction in lost time injuries, year to date,” Mr Pardon said.

“We also have 34 Health and Safety Representatives across Council representing their fellow work mates.

“We were thrilled to have Shane Webcke present awards to our staff today who go above and beyond in this area and join us today to celebrate these attitudes and achievements.” 

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