Schools Calendar Competition - Winners announced
Published on 26 October 2021
Local schools are leading the way and are being awarded for their sustainability efforts at upcoming school assemblies across the Rockhampton Region.
The winning schools have been named Sustainability Champions and will be presented awards as part of Rockhampton Regional Council’s Sustainability in Action Schools Calendar Competition.
Water and Environmental Sustainability Councillor Donna Kirkland said each year our local schools demonstrate how local sustainability actions can have big impacts - and this year was no exception.
“Once again, the calibre of entries have been fantastic and such a credit to the students and their teachers,” Cr Kirkland said.
“I want to congratulate all the winners and I think we can all be inspired to apply some of these great initiatives in our own homes and gardens.
“The competition is all about showcasing how local schools are taking on global issues with practical and sustainable local actions, and there really is some inspirational work going on in our community.
“Whether it is reducing energy consumption, planting and learning about natives, to encouraging wildlife and wildlife habitat, our schools have given us some great examples that we could all learn from when it comes to environmental sustainability.
“The winning schools and their sustainability projects feature in Council’s ‘Sustainability in Action’ 2022 Community Calendar, which will be released soon, distributed to all schools within the Rockhampton Region and also available through our Customer Service Centres.”
“The calendars are a great way to help share the sustainability message and inspire our community with the good environmental work teachers and students are doing all year round.”
Winning schools are recognised as Rockhampton Regional Council’s 2022 Sustainability Champions. They each win $200 to support future sustainability actions within their school, as well as a school sustainability resource pack.
Click here for more information.
Winning school images can be found here: