Setting our Sights on Growth in Small Business Month

Published on 24 May 2024


Rockhampton Regional Council Mayor Tony Williams has called for more to be done to support local jobs and economic growth across the region at a special Small Business Month celebration.

The event which was run by Rockhampton Regional Council and its economic development arm, Advance Rockhampton, recognised the hard work of small businesses across the region and discussed how business and the economy was evolving.

Mayor Williams thanked the 150 business representatives attending the event and highlighted Council’s plans to grow jobs and industry for the future.

Small businesses remain a large and key part of the local economy representing almost 2 in 5 businesses across the region. Small businesses also collectively employ tens of thousands of local residents across every part of the region and contribute to the diversity and vibrancy of Rockhampton.

Mayor Williams said the event was a great opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of many small businesses, their owners, and employees.

“This Small Business Month I want to acknowledge the hard work of so many across the community who own or work in small business,” Mayor Williams said.

“We know that many in the community are doing it tough as we see prices and overheads increase.

“I know this, and I want everyone to know that Council is not sitting on its hands but instead investing in our local economy and jobs to help grow and secure new opportunities for the future.

“For small business directly, we are investing in initiatives which provide opportunities to meet major project proponents, learn and collaborate with others around technological and consumer changes and expand and diversify their products and offerings.

“More broadly, we need to be setting our sights on securing new jobs, industries and driving economic growth for the future.

“If we grow our economy, grow the number of projects and businesses operating in our region and grow jobs then we all share in the benefits.

“That will directly support local small business and local residents and that is my message today.”

Advance Rockhampton Economic Development Manager, Wade Clark, said Advance Rockhampton was focused on delivering for local business and industries.

“We know that running a business is never easy. That is why we are always looking at ways to support local businesses, particularly small businesses,” Mr Clark said.

“Advance Rockhampton runs a series of workshops and programs that are targeted towards giving local business owners and managers the tools they need to grow and expand. We also help local businesses understand the changes that are coming in our economy and society – changes like new technologies, new consumer trends and new, more efficient practices.

“We want to see our local businesses given every opportunity and so that is why we are working to give businesses the tools and opportunities they need both today and into the future.”

Council’s Small Business Month celebration was a free event for local business owners, managers and their employees and provided a range of informative presentations, speakers and panel discussions.

Council through Advance Rockhampton supports local small business through a comprehensive program of workshops, events and projects.

For more information on Rockhampton Regional Council and Advance Rockhampton, visit