Stay cool Rockhampton
Published on 10 February 2023
The Rockhampton region are expecting to experience some high temperatures over the next few days, and we want to ensure that you and your pets are staying safe and cool.
Mayor Tony Williams, Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, is urging everyone to stay cool over the next week with temperatures predicted to reach 40-degree.
“I want to remind the community of the effects the heat can have on people and pets,” Mayor Williams said.
"A heatwave occurs when the maximum and the minimum temperatures are unusually hot over a three-day period.
“Heatwaves can impact anyone - babies, young people, elderly people, pets, people working outdoors and those with medical conditions such as asthma are particularly vulnerable and need to take special care during heatwaves.
“It's important you undertake measures to stay safe and avoid things like heat stroke”.
Deputy Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group, Councillor Drew Wickerson said there are a few steps you can take to avoid the dangers of the heat.
"Ensure you drink lots of fluids and beat the heat by spending some time in locations that have air-conditioning, such as shopping centres, your local library, Rockhampton Museum of Art or a friend’s house,” Cr Wickerson said.
“Other things you can do is stay clear of strenuous actives, wear sun safe clothing and a hat if you are going outside, and avoid alcohol and fizzy drinks as they increase the risk of dehydration.
“Make sure you check on your friends, family and neighbours, especially if they are elderly.
“Don’t forget about your pets - in emergency situations, pets are often the most vulnerable member of the family.
“Put out some extra water for them, provide access to shade or a cooler area, avoid exercising them during the middle of the day, and never keep them locked in a car!
“If you are concerned about yourself or another person, don’t hesitate to seek medical attention.”
For more information, please visit Council’s Emergency Dashboard via