Step back in time again to old Rocky town

Published on 02 June 2016

Rockhampton Regional Council’s recent historical walk along our majestic city streets was such a success that another is planned for Thursday 9 June as part of Queensland Week celebrations.

Council’s Community Service Committee Chair Councillor Rose Swadling said the East Street History Walk was always an interesting way to discover our heritage and reminisce about the Rocky of old.

“There are so many intriguing stories behind our beautiful buildings which is why we’d love to share those tales of yesteryear again,” Cr Swadling said.

“We’ve received some wonderful feedback from participants; the conversations and discussions on each walk are so very interesting and the more people discover the more they want to uncover.

“People are completely captivated, so it really is a great experience to learn something new about our grand old city.”

The Library’s Local History Officer will talk about the history of East Street, the buildings and Rockhampton in general. As the stories unfold, she will also draw on our unique historical collection of old photographs, Council rates books and newspaper articles from the day.

Residents and visitors can further explore our Region’s history, their family history, look up interesting facts or check historical records at Council’s Library History Centre from 9am – 5pm weekdays.

Bookings for the East Street History Walk are essential on 4936 8043 or email

The East Street History Walk discussion points:

  • Transport used on East Street - the horse and buggy, trams, buses and cars
  • Shopping experiences from grocery stores to café’s,
  • The style of buildings and the history of business – Stewarts, Lucas, Milroy’s etc
  • The Court Precinct and Post Office

What: East Street History Walk

When: Thursday 9 June 2016

Time: 10am – 11.30am

Meet: Rockhampton Regional Library, 232 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton