Strategy to unlock Mount Morgan’s potential
Published on 21 May 2019
A goldmine of tourism and development opportunities in Mount Morgan is one step closer to being tapped with Council to release the Draft Advancing Mount Morgan Strategy for public consultation next month.
Rockhampton Region Mayor Margaret Strelow said this strategy is eagerly anticipated by the Mount Morgan community.
“The strategy outlined in this document is the result of a collaborative process,” said Mayor Strelow.
“In November last year, we hosted a roundtable event in Mount Morgan and invited the community to take their future into their own hands, and to tell us what projects they thought could make a difference to their town.
“More than 125 residents came out to share with us their hopes, ambitions, and priorities for Mount Morgan.
“Advance Rockhampton, Council’s economic development team, has taken the vision that Mount Morgan residents have for their own community and formed a strategy to make that vision a reality.
“The Draft Advance Mount Morgan Strategy maps a plan to develop businesses, create opportunities for employment and education, and unlock the tourism potential of Mount Morgan’s incredible natural and historic assets.
“In April, we brought a draft of the strategy back to the community at a roundtable follow-up event, and we have incorporated the feedback we received into this version.
“The next stage in our engagement journey is to put forward the Draft Advancing Mount Morgan Strategy for a four-week public consultation period to ensure that our strategy receives as much input as possible from Mount Morgan residents.”
The four-week public consultation period will begin later next month with dates to be released shortly.