Support for Black Summer grant applications
Published on 13 August 2021
Do you have a project or idea that could help build local resilience and support disaster response, relief and recovery in our region?
The Federal Government has announced that applications are now open for the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery (BSBR) Grants program.
Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Mayor Tony Williams urged eligible community groups and organisations to get in touch with Council’s disaster team to discuss their ideas.
“There is $1.6 million earmarked in this funding pool for projects within our local government area,” Mayor Williams said.
“It’s a great opportunity and we want to make sure we’re taking full advantage.
“Projects may be from $20,000 to $10 million, and applicants can request up to 100% of the project budget from this grant.
“Any organisation or entity can apply independently directly to the federal government for the funding, however we want groups to know that our great team here at Council is more than happy to provide advice and expertise to support your application.
“They can provide suggestions to bolster your application and ensure that your project aligns with funding guidelines.
“They might may even be able to connect you with groups proposing related projects to make your application even stronger.
“The Bushfire Management Strategy recently endorsed by Council highlights that bushfire is the highest natural disaster risk facing our community, and at Council and the LDMG we’re looking to apply for some of those priority projects that work has helped identify.
“Applications for the funding close on 2 September, so we’re asking that groups seeking endorsement or advice get in touch before close of business on Friday 27 August.”
Get in touch with the Rockhampton Regional Council Disaster Management Unit by emailing by COB Friday 27 August for assistance in developing project concepts and when seeking letters of support.
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