Ten pillars to advance Rockhampton well into the future
Published on 18 November 2016
More than 60 local business representatives from across the Rockhampton Region came together today as Council’s Economic Development team discussed the Advance Rockhampton Economic Action Plan, which outlined ten strategic drivers and their actions.
The strategic drivers or pillars include Resources, Water and Agribusiness, Health Care, Education and Training, Defence, Smart Regional Centre, CBD Development, Tourism and Events, Transport and Logistics, and International Relations and Trade.
Mayor Margaret Strelow said Council was already putting in motion most of the Advance Rockhampton actions and this formal document detailed how Council would enable economic opportunities in the next four years.
“Advance Rockhampton is a blueprint for this term. It’s really a summary of the things we’ve been doing for the past two years and the things we want to achieve in the coming four years,” she said.
Mayor Strelow said Council will continue to take the lead in economic development across the Rockhampton Region but collaboration and commitment from business, industry and government was key to realising future economic success in the long-term.
“We’ll continue to build strong relationships with business and work with all tiers of government, but what we’re proposing, and it’s something I’m quite passionate about, is establishing the Economic Development Advisory Committee, made up of key industry champions,” she said.
“Working alongside industry experts and champions representing each of the pillars will provide vital operational guidance to implement the actions while also monitoring how we’re progressing – this will be a key element to our ongoing economic success.
“Council’s role is to plan and develop, but most importantly enable strategic opportunities for businesses that will drive our long-term economic growth well beyond 2020.”
The Advance Rockhampton Economic Action Plan follows on from the Rockhampton Region Economic Development Strategy launched in 2015.
Today’s business event is the third in the Advance Rockhampton Region – Mayor’s Business Forum series each containing a topic of strategic and economic importance. In the coming 12 months, businesses will be invited to participate in forums in relation to the ten pillars outlined in the Advance Rockhampton Economic Action Plan.
For more information please contact Council on 4932 9000.