Winners announced for “Schools Sustainability in Action Competition”

Published on 23 November 2022

Rocky High SS.JPG

Local schools across the Rockhampton Region are leading the way with sustainability and being awarded for their efforts in the ‘Schools Sustainability in Action Competition’.

Water and Environmental Sustainability Councillor Donna Kirkland said each year our schools demonstrate how local sustainability actions can have big impacts through our “Schools Sustainability in Action Competition”, and this year was no exception.

“We were completely overwhelmed to receive more than 130 entries this year; a huge testament to the dedicated students and teachers across our region,” Cr Kirkland said.

“The competition is all about showcasing how local schools are taking on global issues with practical and sustainable community actions, and there really is some exceptional work going on in our region.

“I want to congratulate the 12 winning schools and all entrants for their dedication to sustainability and believe we can all be inspired to apply some of their great initiatives into our own homes and gardens.

“Whether it is packing plastic-free lunches or setting up pop-up shops to sell pre-loved items, our schools have given us some great examples that we could all learn from when it comes to environmental sustainability.

“The competition is a great way to share the sustainability message and inspire our community with the exciting environmental work teachers and students are doing all year round.

The 12 winning schools are:

Reducing single use plastic
St Peter’s Primary School - What’s SUP (Single Use Plastic) St Peters!

Caring for catchments

Rockhampton State High School - Drains are for rain at Rockhampton State High

Growing your own fruit and vegetables

Marmor State School - Food gardens galore at Marmor!

Waraburra State School - Gardening is peachy at Waraburra State School!

Organics and reducing food waste

Park Avenue State School - Natural wonders are a-ok at PA

The Hall State School - Enough for all forever at The Hall

Planting and caring for native plants

The Cathedral College - Planting the seeds for a sustainable future

Reusing and upcycling

Heights College - Pop Up Shop promotes reuse at Heights

Encouraging wildlife habitat

Rockhampton Girls Grammar School - Pouches from RRGS support local wildlife

Being water wise

Lakes Creek State School - Class effort reduces water at Lakes Creek

Recycling right in yellow lid bins

Glenmore State School - Doing the right thing and using the right bin at Glenmore

Green gift giving and festivities

North Rockhampton Special School - Containers for Change makes fundraising fun

Winning schools are recognised as ‘2022 Schools Sustainability in Action Champions’ and each win $200 to support future sustainability actions within their school, a school sustainability resource pack, and will be featured in 2023 resources.

Further information is available on our website.

Winning school images can be found here.