Shopping trolleys taken outside of shopping precincts can be hazardous and unsightly. Residents and businesses are encouraged to report abandoned shopping trolleys to the relevant retailer.
The Rockhampton Region Australia Day Awards celebrate the achievement and contribution of individuals and organisations in our Region.
The Community Banner Poles located at Moores Creek Rd. (Colts) and Stapleton Park are for Community Groups wishing to advertise their events.
The Community Directory is a database that community organisations and groups can add their details to for FREE to promote their services.
Community and sporting groups are a vital part of our social fabric. However people need to know about you and what you do! In this free starter kit for local community and sporting clubs you'll find plenty of information and ideas to help get the message out about your group.
Rockhampton Regional Council makes a range of its properties available for not-for-profit community organisations to rent through lease or licence agreements.
Rockhampton Regional Council (CQ Home Assist Secure) receives funding from the State and Commonwealth governments. They deliver subsidised home maintenance and home modification services to eligible residents in the Rockhampton, Gladstone & Central Highlands regions, as well as the Banana and Livingstone Shires.
To view our current engagements throughout the Rockhampton region, please click here and you will be redirected to the Engage Rockhampton Region website.
The Rockhampton Region holds a wide range of activities and events throughout the year.
Environmental sustainability means ensuring our actions meet current needs without compromising the prospects of future generations. Council's Sustainability Strategy (Towards 2030) seeks to support our vision for a sustainable future by delivering key initiatives that will strengthen our community, environmental and economic resilience.
My Neighbourhood
Rockhampton Regional Council offers a range of grants and sponsorships for community organisations and individuals.
Rockhampton Regional Council hosts a range of events for the community throughout the year.
The Rockhampton Region's Sister City relationship with Ibusuki began with the signing of the first Sister City Agreement on November 21, 1980.
Access community profile information and socio-economic statistics for the Rockhampton Region.
Community Gardens are places where people can grow their own food, make friends, and live sustainably. Explore the benefits of community gardens, current projects in the region and how to establish your own community garden.