Prospective Tenants

Council has land and facilities available for community organisations to use through a lease, licence or permit agreement.


To be eligible to lease or licence a Council facility, your organisation must:

  • Be an incorporated association or equivalent
  • Be a not for profit community based organisation
  • Have open membership (Constitution or Articles must state that membership is open to the general public)
  • Demonstrate an ability to meet the financial obligations of a lease, licence, permit or other tenure arrangement (provide a copy of the most recent audited financial statements and a business plan where appropriate)
  • Maintain appropriate insurances, including public liability. 
  • Have a post office box
  • Appropriate risk management plan

Tenure Options


You should consider a lease if your organisation needs exclusive use of a facility and plans to make improvements and/or develop infrastructure on a building site.  Exclusive Leases are not granted over playing fields.

A lease is a right to use land and facilities for an agreed purpose and term.  The lease document is registered in the Titles Office.

As a tenant, your organisation is responsible for

  • Paying council annual rent
  • Paying the fees and charges in accordance with the lease
  • Repairs and maintenance of the facility

Council offers a standard term lease of five years.  In special circumstances, you may be eligible to negotiate a longer lease term.

New leases are negotiated with a successful applicant after an expression of interest process.  Find out how to register an expression of interest at the end of this page.


A licence or Permit is suitable if your community organisation only wants to use facilities for a few days a week.  A licence or permit isn’t suitable if you want to make building improvements to the site.

A licence is a form of permission to use land and facilities for an agreed purpose and term. 

The standard term is three years.

As the licensee, your organisation is responsible for :

  • Paying Council a rent/licence fee
  • Paying other fees and charges as set out in the terms and conditions

New licences are negotiated with a successful applicant after an expression of interest process.  Find out how to register an expression of interest at the end of this page.

Sporting Field Application

If you are a not-for-profit sporting organisation seeking to use a sporting field for sport or recreation activities for short-term use complete the Temporary Event Application Form(PDF, 526KB).

Registering an Expression of Interest

If your organisation is interested in leasing a Council facility, then you need to register your interest.

To go on the community facility waiting list, register an Expression of Interest(PDF, 157KB).