Ongoing CBD Engagement & Activities
Revitalising Rockhampton through Placemaking
In May 2017, Rockhampton Regional Council was excited to welcome back Gilbert Rochecouste, Founder & Managing Director of Village Well, as guest presenter at the fifth Advance Rockhampton Business Forum.
Gilbert is recognised both nationally and internationally as a leading voice in Placemaking – the art of planning, design and management of public spaces to promote people's health, happiness, and wellbeing. He is a sought-after speaker and motivator, known for his innovative thinking, dynamic engagement processes and inspirational approach to community activation.
Following Gilbert’s first visit to Rockhampton in 2014, our CBD has made encouraging steps towards renewal. Now, as we finalise the preparation of the CBD Redevelopment Framework and make progress on major projects such as the Riverfront Revitalisation, Cultural Precinct and CBD Living Project, Gilbert is working closely with Council and the business community to explore how Placemaking can create new opportunities and the next steps to success.
On Thursday 4 May, Council together with Village Well welcomed the region's business community to be part of this exciting next step in our city’s revitalisation at the fifth Advance Rockhampton Business Forum. The forum was held at the iconic Customs House, and presented a valuable opportunity for local businesses to meet, collaborate and brainstorm, guided by Gilbert’s perspective and insights into what the journey to future business success might look like.
To see the presentation from the forum, please click HERE(PDF, 5MB).
Village-Well-Business-Forum-Placemaking-Presentation_4-May-2017.pdf(PDF, 5MB)
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