Native Plant Program
Trees, shrubs and grasses play an important role in our streets, parks and riparian corridors, as well as in our very own backyards. Not only do they provide food and shelter for wildlife, they give the Region its unique character and provide a cooler and more attractive environment for us to live in.
As part of Council’s Bringing Nature Back initiative, Council offers a free native plant program for local residents and landholders.
You can pick up your free native plant at nominated dates and sites in the lead up to National Tree Day each year. Keep an eye on Council's Latest News and Facebook page for the next program dates. Alternatively subscribe to Council’s Sustainability e-Newsletter for further information on upcoming plant giveaways.
Please note, this program does not provide free native plants for small or large scale events, fetes, promotional programs, prizes, fundraising activities, commercial businesses or government departments. Plants are to be planted on private property and are not designed for planting on Council land or as part of waterway revegetation projects.
Planting your native
Remember the below planting tips:
1. Ensure you have the right plant in the right place in your yard for the right reasons. Always think before you plant and consider the following:
• What space do you have available in your yard for a new plant?
• What constraints do you have in terms of potential height, overhanging branches and root systems in relation to your property or neighbouring boundary lines?
• Are there any issues related to visibility from your driveway, intersection sight lines and access to your property?
• Are there any overhead or underground services, including the service line to your home?
• Is a ‘Dial Before You Dig’ check required to request information on underground cables and services on, or near your property?
• What type of tree/shrub is best suited to your yard?
• Do you want an evergreen or deciduous plant?
• Does the mature plant’s roots, branches, sap, flowers or fruits have the potential to obstruct buildings, fences, pools, footpaths, roads, foundations or vehicle paintwork?
• If you require advice about planting in public areas, check Council’s Tree Management Policy available via the website or contact Customer Service for more information on the local street tree planting guidelines.
2. Clear any grass or mulch to expose the soil.
3. Dig a hole twice the size and depth of the pot.
4. Mix fertiliser in with the soil in the hole.
5. Water the seedling and hole before planting.
6. Plant the seedling slightly below the ground level and back-fill the hole.
7. Make a small well around the plant to catch water.
8. Mulch around the plant, ensuring no mulch touches the stem.
9. Water thoroughly after planting.
10. Check in on your plant and water regularly:
• Month 1 - twice a week
• Month 2 & 3 - once a week
• Beyond 3 months - once a month
Find out more about native plants
To find out more about a range of native plants found in our Region, the following fact sheets have been put together with assistance from local community group Native Plants Capricornia.
Ground cover (Under 1m)
Blue flax lily (Dianella brevipedunculata)(PDF, 548KB)
Bulbine lily (Bulbine bulbosa)(PDF, 903KB)
Creeping Boobialla (Myoporum parvifolium)(PDF, 199KB)
Flax lily (Dianella caerula)(PDF, 1MB)
Hop goodenia (Goodenia ovata)(PDF, 1MB)
Native sarsaparilla (Hardenbergia violacea).(PDF, 796KB)
Shrubs (Between 1m - 5m)
Blue tongue (Melastoma malabathricum)(PDF, 269KB)
Butterfly Bush (Pavetta austaliensis)(PDF, 1MB)
Coffee bush (Breynia oblongifolia)(PDF, 1MB)
Crowded leaf wattle (Acacia conferta)(PDF, 844KB)
Dogwood (Jacksonia scoparia)(PDF, 1MB)
Giant palm lily (Cordyline manners-suttonae)(PDF, 1MB)
Gittin's Wattle (Acacia gittinsii)(PDF, 1MB)
Holly leaf fuchsia (Graptophyllum ilicifoliumm)(PDF, 393KB)
Mini Lily Pilly (Syzygium australe)(PDF, 1MB)
Narrow leaf hovea (Hovea acutifolia)(PDF, 1002KB)
Native holly (Alchornea ilicifolia)(PDF, 1MB)
Native rosella (Abelmoschus moschatus)(PDF, 281KB)
Native sorrel (Rosella) (Hibiscus heterophyllus)(PDF, 288KB)
Purple bush pea (Hovea clavata)(PDF, 644KB)
Red-flowered silky oak (Grevillea banksii)(PDF, 2MB)
Scarlet fuchsia (Graptophyllum excelsum)(PDF, 1MB)
Swamp or river lily (Crinum pedunculatum)(PDF, 967KB)
Thyme honey-myrtle (Melaleuca thymifolia)(PDF, 550KB)
Whisker plant (Orthosiphon aristatus)(PDF, 921KB)
Wild may or Yellow tea-tree (Leptospermum polygalifolium)(PDF, 501KB)
Wonga vine (Pandorea pandorana)(PDF, 1MB)
Zig zag wattle (Acacia macradenia)(PDF, 1MB)
Small trees (Between 5m - 10m)
Brisbane golden wattle (Acacia fimbriata)(PDF, 293KB)
Cheese tree (Glochidion lobocarpum)(PDF, 1MB)
Congera or Rose tamarind (Arytera divaricata)(PDF, 1MB)
Denhamia (Denhamia oleaster)(PDF, 1000KB)
Golden penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus)(PDF, 1MB)
Green kamala (Mallotus claoxyloides)(PDF, 987KB)
Humble ebony or Small-leaved ebony (Diospyros humilis)(PDF, 1MB)
Lilly pilly or brush cherry (Syzygium australe)(PDF, 286KB)
Mount Morgan or Queensland silver wattle (Acacia podalyriifolia)(PDF, 279KB)
Red bottlebrush (Melaleuca viminalis)(PDF, 801KB)
Red kamala (Mallotus philippensis)(PDF, 1MB)
Sandpaper fig (Ficus opposita)(PDF, 1MB)
Scaly ebony (Diospyros geminate)(PDF, 1MB)
Scrub boonaree (Alectryon diversifolius)(PDF, 994KB)
Smooth psychotria (Psychotria daphnoides)(PDF, 1MB)
Sticky hop bush (Dodonea viscosa)(PDF, 938KB)
Tuckeroo or Beach tamarind (Cupaniopsis anacardioides)(PDF, 1MB)
Velvet cassia (Cassia tomentella)(PDF, 1MB)
White hollywood (Auranticarpa rhombifolia)(PDF, 1MB)
White tamarind (Elattostachys xylocarpa)(PDF, 1MB)
Large trees (Over 10m)
Bat-wing coral tree (Erythrina vespertilio)(PDF, 943KB)
Black ironbox (Eucalyptus raveretiana)(PDF, 1MB)
Burdekin plum (Pleiogynium timorense)(PDF, 242KB).
Flintwood (Scolopia braunii)(PDF, 1MB)
Golden penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus)(PDF, 1MB)
Moreton Bay ash or Carbeen (Corymbia tessellaris)(PDF, 908KB)
Orange boxwood (Denhamia disperma)(PDF, 567KB)
Peanut tree (Sterculia quadrifidia)(PDF, 269KB).
Rough-barked ironwood (Backhousia kingii)(PDF, 1006KB)
Rusty pittosporum (Pittosporum ferrugineum)(PDF, 1MB)
Tulip wood (Harpullia pendula)(PDF, 798KB)
White bauhinia (Lysiphyllum hookeri)(PDF, 1MB)
White oak (Grevillea baileyana)(PDF, 1MB)
Yellow kamala (Mallotus discolor)(PDF, 1MB).(PDF, 1MB)
You can pick up your free native plant at nominated dates and sites in the lead up to National Tree Day each year. Keep an eye on Council's Latest News and Facebook page for the next program dates. Alternatively subscribe to Council’s Sustainability e-Newsletter for further information on upcoming plant giveaways.
Please note, this program does not provide free native plants for small or large scale events, fetes, promotional programs, prizes, fundraising activities, commercial businesses or government departments. Plants are to be planted on private property and are not designed for planting on Council land or as part of waterway revegetation projects.