Climate Resilient Rockhampton Region


The continued liveability and prosperity of the Rockhampton Region relies upon us mitigating, and adapting to, a range of climate risks. Opportunities are also emerging to position our Region for the future. The Climate Resilient Rockhampton Region (CRRR) project seeks to understand and respond to these climate risks and opportunities by embedding climate change considerations in all aspects of Council planning and decision-making

As part of the Queensland Climate Resilient Councils (QCRC) program, the Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ) worked with the Queensland Government to develop the Climate Risk Management Framework for Queensland Local Government. This complements the international Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, and the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience.

The Climate Risk Management Framework for Queensland Local Government encourages logical, defensible and effective actions that can minimise the cost of reducing potential climate risk impacts within a local government area.

With funding from the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF) through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, Council has implemented Phase 1 (strategic climate risk profiling) of the Climate Risk Management Framework for Queensland Local Government. This has resulted in development of an internal Climate Risk Management Plan to guide Council’s approach over the next few years. This includes governance practice improvements, training and upskilling, and on-ground action such as water security and heat reduction planning.

The CRRR project is supported by a key priority identified in the Sustainability Strategy (Towards 2030) - Create a climate resilient Rockhampton Region. It is also underpinned by Goal 4.1 in the Corporate Plan 2022 - 2027: Our region is resilient and prepared to manage climate-related risks and opportunities.