Meditation weekend with Ayya Suvira

Next date: Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM


A yya Suvira received novice ordination in 2016, and full ordination as a bhikkhuni in 2019 with Ayya Santini Mahatheri of Indonesia as preceptor. Ayya Suvira is secretary of the Australian Sangha Association, a national peak body representing Buddhist monks and nuns in Australia. She also represents the Australian Sangha Association on the advisory groups of Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW, Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria, and Metropolitan Memorial Parks.

Saturday: Meditating with the Awakening Factors

In this program, you will learn:

  • Introduction to breathing meditation

  • Definitions for each awakening factor

  • Which factors are active and which are passive, 

  • Which factors are calming and which are energising, and which one is always helpful

  • When each set of factors should be cultivated

  • The awakening factors and hindrances as part of satipatthana (mindfulness meditation)


Participants will receive a list of short readings to supplement the program, which will include meditation, teaching and discussion sessions. Program timetable TBC, no prior meditation experience required.

Sunday: Four Protective Meditations


The “Four Protective Meditations” were taught by the Buddha to counteract common negative psychological tendencies that can plague meditators, and give us a strong basis for success in the practice of samatha-vipassana meditation.

The weekend is suitable for both experienced and beginners.

Its possible to come to either Sat or Sun as the days are independent


When: Sat 15 Mar 9 am – 5 pm Sun 16 Mar 9 am – 5 pm

Where: Ananda Buddhist Centre corner Alexandra St & Munro St, Kawana Rockhampton QLD 4701

Fees: $ 100 weekend $ 55 per day. This includes vegetarian lunch, tea/coffee



  • Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Sunday, 16 March 2025 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Near Tom Brady Park

Ananda Buddhist Centre, Corner of Alexandra St & Munro St, Kawana, 4701, View Map

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