samadhi and insight meditation workshop
e a familiarity with mindfulness this workshop we will be exploring different samadhi practices and seeing how they can help with insight. the view of samadhi we are taking is one where samadhi doesn't need to have a sharp one-pointed focus. it doesn't need to be seen as "concentration" ; it can be broader, nourishing, and much more accessible to people. there'll be short talks, guided, partially guided and silent meditations, time for discussion, time to talk about what practices worked and what didn't . And some talk about the deeper insights or understandings and how they can be helpful.
Samadhi is one element in the Buddha's eightfold path, but it often gets less attention than mindfulness. in this workshop we'll aim to address the imbalance.
the workshop is suitable for new and experienced meditators but there's some advantage if you already hav
Saturday, 16 July 2022 | 09:00 AM
- 05:00 PM
Sunday, 17 July 2022 | 09:00 AM
- 05:00 PM
this is a buddhist meditation workshop on samadhi and insight.
Women's Health Centre, 225 Bolsover St, Rockhampton (entrance opposite VibeFitness), Rockhampton City, 4700, View Map
225 Bolsover St, Rockhampton (entrance opposite VibeFitness) ,
Rockhampton City 4700
Women's Health Centre
225 Bolsover St, Rockhampton (entrance opposite VibeFitness) ,
Rockhampton City 4700
samadhi and insight meditation workshop