Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc

Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc [MMPAD] is a not for profit, incorporated, ACNC registered body that operates the Mount Morgan Visitor Information Centre and Railway Museum under contract for Rockhampton Regional Council. MMPAD operates from the historic Mount Morgan Rail Complex.  The Visitor Information Centre is accredited and is also the Driver Reviver site.

MMPAD started in 2006 and has spearheaded many community projects as well as organised community events such as Mount Morgan Wattle Day Festival, Christmas Tree Festival, Dee Home Grown and Legend and the Locals concert as well as other events throughout the year.

MMPAD has also been responsible for restocking the No. 7 Dam with fingerlings.

MMPAD publishes the Mount Morgan Argus on a fortnightly basis.  This is a free community paper and is published fortnightly. 


Mount Morgan Railway Museum and Visitor Information Centre,  1 Railway Parade,  Mount Morgan 4714  View Map

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